![]() We had a great time at the Field Days last week. There was much interest in our stand and many people wanted to learn more about what's in their water. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see us, it was great too meet you. Our Turn Water into Wine competition created a lot of discussion and head scratching. Contestants were asked to correctly match the source to six different containers of water. All correct entries then went into the draw to win a carton of Hawke's Bay wine. Competition was fierce and we would like to thank all contestants. There were eight correct entries. These came from: Kane Ritchie Wendy Gerbes Barry George Amber Allen Bob Masters Phil Teague Tony McKenna Bill Stacey Congratulations to these eight people - you really know your water. The lucky winner of the draw was Bob Masters. Congratulations Bob, we will be in touch this week to arrange delivery of your prize. The correct answers were: Container A Farm Dam Container B Sea Water Container C Clive River Container D Waikoko Lake Container E Town Supply Container F Tukituki River Please contact the laboratory if you have any questions about our services. MEDIA RELEASE
February 2019 A simple H2O sample could remedy the lingering bad taste left in mouths of Hawke’s Bay residents, following the water woes of 2016. Ministry of Health (MOH) approved and IANZ accredited laboratory, Water Testing Hawke’s Bay (WTHB), has joined forces with Isaac’s Plumbing, Pumping and Electrical to bring water standards up to scratch throughout Central Hawke’s Bay and Hastings. Testing is compliant with new national Drinking Water Standards, set to take effect from March. This change follows a serious contamination of Havelock North’s water supply in 2016, which caused thousands of people throughout the region to fall ill. “The way we view water has changed entirely. We feel it’s really important to be on the front foot when it comes to ensuring water supplies are safe,” Isaac’s Director Gavin Streeter said. “Since the water contamination two years ago – there’s a heightened awareness around water quality. To find out if your water is healthy – pick up a testing kit from Isaac’s in Waipawa or Hastings and have it checked by one of Zealand's leading regional bacteriological water-testing and analysis laboratories.” The arrangement with Isaac’s establishes a WTHB depot in CHB which will enable residents, businesses and schools easy access to accredited testing services. Drop off is available during retail opening hours of 6.30am to 5pm – and will include testing of spa and pool water. “We are pleased to be working with Isaac’s as many of their services are complementary to ours – and there are many synergies between the two businesses; professionalism, qualified and experienced staff, high quality service standards and a focus on water,” WTHB General Manager Cynthia Bowers said. “This is an opportunity for CHB residents to have access to water testing services that they can rely on as being IANZ accredited and compliant with the latest Drinking Water Standards. Once clients are aware of what is in their water, they can seek advice on the appropriate treatment.” When results are returned to the client –Isaac's will be able to help determine the best solution going forward. Mr Streeter said this could include treatment of water tanks, changing of pipes, or installing a filter. “The key here is that Isaac’s is able to assist – from providing a sample kit or form, to prognosis - we can then help implement a workable solution for the client.”
Contact: Isaac’s Plumbing, Pumping and Electrical Director Gavin Streeter Phone: 06) 857 8807 Water Testing Hawke’s Bay GM Cynthia Bowers Phone: 027 443 2999 Thanks to everyone who visited our stand at the East Coast Farming Expo this week. We had a great time meeting people and it was awesome to see the interest in Water Testing Hawke's Bay and the services we provide to enable people to know what's in their water.
The winner of the Turn Water into Wine competition was Cameron Bishop from Matamata. Twelve bottles of Hawke's Bay wine will be winging their way to Cameron next week. The consolation prize of six bottles of Hawke's Bay wine goes to Tom Addis from Wairoa. Cameron and Tom were the only entrants to correctly identify the source of each container of water. Congratulations to both of you. Well done to all entrants. It was a challenging competition and we were impressed at the level of thought that went into each entry. As promised here are the correct answers: Container A Wairoa River Container B Town Supply Container C Whakaki Lagoon Container D Domestic Water Tank Container E Farm Dam Container F Sea Water from Mahia Beach Container G Farm Bore
Water Testing Hawke’s Bay General Manager, Cynthia Bowers, attended last week’s public meeting in Waipawa to discuss water issues in Central Hawke’s Bay.
“We have a key role to play in supporting the monitoring and testing regime of Councils and private clients and our attendance at meetings such as this ensures that we are well informed and abreast of issues. This enables us to respond promptly when our clients need our help.” Ms Bowers said. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/the-country/news/article.cfm?c_id=16&objectid=12167426 Water Testing Hawke’s Bay welcomes the changes to Drinking Water Standards announced recently by the Minister of Health and to take effect from 1 March 2019.
Our laboratory currently reports enumerated results to our local government and private clients, that is we provide a count of total coliforms and a count of the number of E.coli bacteria in samples. Enumerated results will be mandatory from 1 March 2019. We are one of only two laboratories in the Hastings / Napier area to be accredited by IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand) to perform these tests. Our team looks forward to participating in the wider review of Drinking Water Standards to be consulted in mid-2019. http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/changes-drinking-water-standards-will-help-keep-new-zealanders-healthy |
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