Here at Water Testing Hawke's Bay we have been working hard to put in place a plan in response to Covid-19. The good news for clients is, as an essential service, we remain open for business and during this challenging time we can help with many of your water sampling and testing requirements.
This means that our laboratory continues to offer microbiological testing of drinking water and other water types provided they relate to primary industries or public health. If in doubt please give our team a call and they will advise whether we can accept your samples for testing. Our acceptance of samples is strictly dependent on no face to face contact during delivery as the health and safety of our team is paramount. Robyn and Nina at Sample Reception can guide you though this process if you give them a call in advance.. The sampling team will be continuing to collect drinking water samples as normal in addition to any other scheduled jobs. If you do have a job booked with us we will make contact soon to ensure that our samplers can sign-in to your property in a safe outdoors environment. Social distancing must be maintained at all times. Please accept our right to cancel the job if we cannot ensure staff safety and well-being. We will have limited ability to accept new sampling jobs over the next four weeks however if you have an urgent requirement please call us and we will endeavour to help. In order to protect our team the doors of the laboratory and sampling office will be locked at all times during the lock down period. You can contact us by phoning 06 870 6449 or emailing [email protected] We will keep in touch should circumstances change any of the above arrangements. Thank you for your understanding. Stay safe. |
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Contact Us TodayPlease call us on (06) 870 6449
or visit our lab at 1105 Plunket Street, Hastings. |
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